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Toughened and semi-toughened glass
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Toughened and semi-toughened glass

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Tempered and semi-tempered glass is the glass which is heated and quenched by ordinary glass. The surface has strong uniform compressive stress and the mechanical strength increases greatly. The surface compressive stress of tempered glass is more than 95 MPa, and the strength is about 4-5 times of that of ordinary glass. The surface compressive stress of semi-tempered glass is between 24-69 MPa, and the strength is about 2 times of that of ordinary glass.
Properties of tempered glass:
Safety: Glass is broken into small obtuse-angle particles similar to honeycomb, which will not cause serious harm to human body.
High Strength: The strength of toughened glass is 4 to 5 times that of ordinary glass.
Winding: 3-4 times larger than ordinary glass;
Thermal stability: tempered glass has good thermal stability, can withstand the temperature difference is three times that of ordinary glass, can withstand the temperature difference change of 200 C.
Properties of semi-toughened glass:
The strength of semi-toughened glass is 1.6-2 times that of ordinary glass.
No self-detonation;
Glass deformation is very small.
Product Specification:
Thickness: 3-19 mm
Minimum size: 100 x 250 mm
Maximum size: 3000 x 6000 mm
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